It all
started with a bad parma (as most things do). I love a good chicken parmigiana;
especially the big gigantic one, dripping in tomato sauce and a lusty mix of
mozzarella and parmesan, with a healthy side serve of chunky chips and customary
salad. However, this one turned out to be the evil twin. Although it had all
these ingredients mentioned above, this one was not meant to please. Instead,
it turned tumultuous once inside my digestive system.
This is what
motivated me to get off meat and in the process cleanse the body of any meat
toxins. I pompously announced to my wife that I will not be eating any meat for
the next 6 months. This wasn't going to be a test of determination or paying
obeisance to a particular fad, just a plain self-imposed task. The rules were
pretty simple – no meat. Egg was permissible only because it was classified
under dairy products last time I checked (although these classifications are
subject to immense doubt), and in any case, I didn’t think I was eating any
meat via this oval shaped protein packed beauty.
Note: People clambering over each other to prove how I got the egg idea wrong can gracefully exit this post at this stage.
Note: People clambering over each other to prove how I got the egg idea wrong can gracefully exit this post at this stage.
I am not a voracious meat eater. I've always preferred quality over quantity.
My meat-eating, could be described as social, at the best. I also haven’t eaten
red meat for some years now, so cutting meat totally from my diet wasn't a huge
task. The fun was trying to find enough vegetarian options, especially at lunch
preferring a light lunch at work, I struggled to find enough vegetarian replacements,
either home-made or at local cafes. I can’t see a whole lot of things that
could easily replace a can of tuna on toast to start with. Same with a good
serve of grilled fish. Plus, it’s not easy when the café counters readily
exhibit schnitzels, bacon and eggs, roasts, but position the veggie
alternatives as an afterthought. I also feel café owners/take away joints do
not experiment with their vegetables much. You’d either have a hastily put
(often) salad sandwich, roasted veg focaccias or some sort of cheese/mushroom/spinach
pide. Over the last few weeks, I have seen really badly made fried brown rice;
even leftovers would have made for a better display. I saw a few salads that probably
began life as vegetarian, but the temptation of adding a few bacon pieces or
shredded chicken got too much for the creators. Therefore, I can safely say
that I feel for the vegetarians out there. It’s not that there are no options
at all; it’s just that I feel any creativity with veggies has been stifled. It’s
not just the café’s alone – since a lot of friends these days are willing
meat-eaters, you often see a plethora of meat dishes make their way into pot
luck, but the vegetarians (few in numbers) are often left to feeding their
imagination more than their tummies. And can someone please come up with a
better Paneer recipe please?
On a
brighter side, this is a splendid chance for me to experiment with some great
veggie and fruit combinations. A café near my workplace once offered a
breathtaking couscous salad, filled in with some really innovative ingredients –
pomegranate seeds, cranberries, sautéed spinach, sun dried tomatoes and nuts.
This, coupled with a nachos salad (yes, such a thing can exist) made for an
extraordinary lunch that day. The next day I sauntered to the café with great
expectations, but the lamb and chicken had fought their way back into the salad
counter. The sandwich counter was still about 90% meat, with a mixed veggie
roll and a salad sandwich putting up a small but futile resistance in one
corner. Soy beans have readily replaced chicken at home, Tofu has made the odd
appearance in Asian dishes, and so has Falafel from the Middle Eastern
kingdom. A whole lot of forgotten veggies and lentils have been resurrected in
the diet, to give it a bit of a variety. Salad and soup books have got quite a few pages dog-eared in the last few weeks.
I have also subconsciously
started to think about veggie alternatives every time I fantasize about a
schnitzel or a hot dog. A book I borrowed from the library gave me some good
ideas on places to source protein and all that meat offers, so our family
shopping lists has now started looking a tad different than a couple of months back.
Amongst other things unknown (and better left that way), I've noticed I tend to
eat more frequently every day. I am often found snacking every couple of hours,
mostly healthy stuff like nuts, fruits, but snacking nevertheless, drawing in
comments such as “Are you bottomless? You seem to be eating all the time” from
co-workers. Eating out with mates gorging down copious amounts of poultry can
throw you off-track, but I've shown some remarkable resolve in staying true to
my intent. Much as I am tempted to quickly pop in leftover chicken nuggets from
my son’s meal, I've desisted.
To be fair,
it’s not been too bad. I am still alive, can still breathe and am happy to
admit feeling much lighter and focussed.
6 weeks and counting. See how far I go.
Dear Swapnil
Such trivial things (like "bad parma") do not change my "karma" of eating meat. But obviously they do for you (just point to note that I have not classified the "karma" good or bad.) I am one of those "things" who live to eat and drink (my ever growing tummy is a living proof). And I think most of us do, but if they say so they perhaps they classify "themselves" as superficial. This is not a remote possibility in my case being a self proclaimed idiot and fat. (ashi kahi sutaram shakyata nahi).
So whilst your blog is not advocating anything (except café owners should be more innovative with veg food), I think you may want to try "lamb shanks" next time instead of "bad parma"....see the easies way was to give up meat...but what will you do if you come across a bad egg plant parma or garden salad in future? Going other way have more options....I me if you want to catch up for lunch/dinner over good lamb shanks and mashed potatoes with a pint. Call me anyways for a pint!!!
Thanks for your comment Shailesh. In my opinion, no, the easiest way was not to give up meat, it was in fact, one of the harder choices. This decision was purely based on a thought process, one that involved testing out what vegetarianism offered as an alternative.
If things don't work out, I am happy to return to the state of normalcy.
Hi Swapnil, I totally agree with the 'feeling lighter' part. I have been off meat now for over two and a half years and I've never felt better. There are so many options out there for vegetarians although, some cafes still need to get on board. Does this mean you will be posting some yummy recipes? :)
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